thermal tests
Thermal tests on cells, modules and packs have different requirements. Thermal shock tests according to UN 38.3 on modules and packs can be performed as well as HTHE (High Temperature High Humidity Endurance) and HTOE (High Temperature Operation Endurance) tests. These are run according to customer specifications with the appropriate electrical overlays in temperature and climate chambers.
Tests that determine the self-heating of the module or pack during a driving profile are also part of the range of services offered.
In close cooperation with customers, setups with special thermal non-conductive fluids such as NovecTM can be developed and the tests performed accordingly.
In addition to thermal tests on electrochemical energy storage devices, tests can also be performed on passive elements such as electrical switching or distribution boxes, where, for example, internal voltage drops can be measured with high accuracy, during thermal cycling including current superposition.
For cells and thermal modeling, tests can be run in the isothermal and adiabatic calorimeter to record heat dissipation.